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Showing posts from July, 2006

Farewell Dad

I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God. (John 20:17) This morning, my Dad passed away after a long fight with cancer.  Although the battle was hard, it helped bring me even closer to him and to my family…and for that I’ll forever be grateful. Today, I choose not to remember the hard times at the end of his life, but only the good.  I remember my Dad being at every baseball game I ever played (and there were many), I remember him driving his old car around town (even holding the door shut as he drove) while my sister and I drove around in the new cars he bought us, I remember him driving me to and from my graduate school classes after I broke my ankle and stating " You're my son, where else would I rather be?" , and I remember more; yes so much more. Forever, I will cling to the memory of what a wonderful father he was; how selfless, how loving.  He may not have been a perfect human being, but in my mind he will always be cherished...