They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. (Psalms 20:8) Dee and I went to a Chris Tomlin concert last night. We knew it would be good, but as the Lord has been known to do, He took the opportunity to speak directly to my heart. A few years ago during a Nicole Nordeman/Casting Crowns concert at the same arena, He took the opportunity to share with me that time was very short for my Dad and that the road ahead was going to be very difficult, but He’d be there. A few days later I found out that my Dad had Stage 4 cancer and that he only had a few months to live. The next few months were as difficult as foreshadowed - but as He promised, the Lord helped carry us through. On this night, another one of those moments came right before Chris’ latest song I Will Rise as he shared that his grandfather had passed away three days earlier after his own battle with cancer. Chris had sung it for him a few months earlier, and his g...
My web ministry, containing personal verse applications. Mission: Reach One More For Jesus!