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Showing posts from 2014

The Choice

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) He could have stayed in heaven, but He chose to humble himself to become a man. He could have come to be served, but He chose to serve. He could have used his power on himself, but He chose to reserve that for others. He could have saved himself, but He chose to lay His life down on a cross as a ransom for all. In this Christmas season, I pray that we all take time out to reflect on these difficult choices of Christ…and when each of us comes to that ultimate fork in the road, we likewise choose Him.

The Rescuer

You came to my rescue, Lord, and saved my life. (Lamentations 3:58) It’s 2014, so that means all year I’ll “celebrate” the 10-year anniversary of the year that was dedicated to the infamous project detailed in “ Just Ask Me ”.  In January of 2004, I was told I was being put on a new Budgeting/Planning project headlined by a new product that was still very much in its infancy.  I spent the rest of the month Googling “Income Statement”, “Balance Sheet”, and “Cash Flow Statement” and getting nowhere.  I spent a day in February in a room with a CFO, controller, and seasoned accountants – all speaking a language completely foreign to me and yet I was supposed to be the product “expert”.  I spent the rest of February struggling to find another consultant who could come along-side me to help light the way, but no one could be found.  I was on a road to nowhere, over my head big time, and trust me, I knew it.  As I spiraled downward, on the other side of ...

Safety in Him

You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. (Job 11:18) A year ago today an EF5 tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma killing 24 people.  Although most of the images from that day were heart-breaking, one image told a different story – the picture of Jim Routon and Hezekiah Darbon embracing each other is one I will never forget. It was a picture that told a story of hope in times of despair, peace in times of trial, and love triumphing over all.  I think it also paints a great picture of the Lord – ever-seeking to sift through the rubble of our lives, to lift each of us who seek Him from the ashes of despair to the incomparable safety of His loving arms.