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Showing posts from 2020

Still Thankful

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)   As the year that has been 2020 marches on to Thanksgiving – it remains a glorious time to give thanks.  As the world around me continues to distance itself more and more from God, a part of me takes great sadness in that.  But another part of me rejoices…    As the pages of His word predicted such a time as this, I can find rest in the Lord, and know that nothing escapes His notice.  He was on the throne yesterday, He is on the throne today, and He will be on the throne tomorrow (and every day after that to boot).  For that, I will always  rejoice   and  always give thanks – Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Too Short?

The LORD answered Moses, "Is the LORD's arm too short?  Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you." (Numbers 11:23) As much as I've cautioned myself against it over recent years, this summer found me back regularly working up to 16-hour days and half the weekends.  We had a major product release yesterday and with Dee working for the same company and COVID keeping us mostly indoors, we both let ourselves get swept away by our computers. Mixed in, for 5 weeks I had to lead weekly webinars to present the coming enhancements to our business partners and customers.  It was a boatload of work to prepare for and the presentations were super-stressful (I had to make sure all the features worked, write the demo scripts, etc.). Right before Week 4's presentation, I had just about had enough - I was overworked, wasn't getting much sleep, and I certainly was in no shape to lead the webinar with a smile for an hour.  About 5 minutes before it start...

The Chosen

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) Today, Dee and I celebrate 20 years of marriage and what a blessing it has been!  But to be honest, it hasn’t all been a fairy tale ride.  We have faced our share of challenges and difficulties along the way, especially early on in our marriage. However, what we committed to since Day 1 was to place Christ at the center.  When the challenges come, hopefully sooner than later, one of us will lift up a prayer to the Lord asking for His intervention.  Few things give me greater joy to lift up a silent prayer, and sometimes even just a few minutes later have Dee say to me “Did you just pray about it?!”  I love truthfully being able to respond with “YES!!!” This year has had its share of challenges with COVID and all of the following unrest, but one of the highlights of the year for us was discovering “ T...

Site Roadmap

04/28/1999 - "Frank's World" was born. My web ministry began with the creation of 3 pages: a "Home" page, a "Sports" page, and a "Verse of the Day" page. The initial intent of the site was to provide daily updates of God's Word, and the latest news on my favorite sports teams. 05/06/1999 - The "Verse Application" page was born. The focus of "Frank's World" changed when Dee recommended a page to help bring the "Verse of the Day" to life in one of the following 3 ways: - Explain why I chose a particular verse. - Explain what impact (if any) the verse has already had on my life. - Offer potential applications of the verse in each of our lives. This "Verse Application" page has served as an on-line journal; recalling my past, documenting the present, and looking forward to the future. Over time, it has become more and more personal, as I've become more comfortable with sharing my greate...


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27) So apparently the world can completely change overnight - I just wish it wasn’t because of fears over a virus.  As stadiums clear and shelves go bare, anxieties and tensions build by the day.  But as the world around me seems to be collapsing, I have peace.  It’s not because of my strength, but because of my faith.  Even in the darkest times, I carry the promise of Jesus: “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20).  Thankfully He didn’t finish His parting words to us with something like “I am with you always, except during crises like Covid-19.”  No, I can be confident He is bigger than this, and so my feet stand secure: “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it ...