Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. (Proverbs 27:1)
A couple times a year my parents venture out for a weekend “polka” adventure filled with good friends, good music, and good food. A few years back they met an older couple that would become dear friends of the family: “Uncle” Joe and “Aunt” Lil. We had some great outings together - one outing Uncle Joe told about 100 jokes over dinner - never missing a punch-line to boot. My favorite memory was my wedding reception party in New Jersey, when the two of them dressed up in Hawaiian shirts (our theme), and danced the night away.
Unfortunately, after my move to Minnesota, I lost touch with Uncle Joe and Aunt Lil, but I never forgot them and they never forgot me. Although I wasn’t around to celebrate occasions like Uncle Joe’s 90th birthday party, we did exchange a Christmas card or two. This year, I received a quick but very special note from Uncle Joe right after New Year’s Day:
“May your New Year be a blessed one.”
Uncle Joe
I was going to immediately write back, but sadly I didn’t. Uncle Joe passed away a couple weeks later.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve stared at that note and wished I hadn’t delayed my response, but sometimes life just doesn’t give you a second chance. It’s been a hard lesson to swallow but hopefully it’s something I’ll grow and learn from. Today sounds like as good a time to start:
To all my dear family and friends,
“May your New Year be a blessed one.”