Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20)
It’s not every day you check your inbox and see a note saying that ‘Michael W. Smith confirmed you as a friend on Facebook’. I thought it was an April Fool’s Day joke for a minute, but after logging into my account, the proof was soon evident that it wasn’t.
It was certainly a pleasant surprise to be accepted into the circle of friends of my favorite music artist. Between my two home states of New Jersey and Minnesota, I’ve lost track of the number of Michael’s concerts I’ve been to over the years. The Lord's been known to have his concerts timed just perfectly, like the night he performed in New Jersey just a few days after my Dad’s funeral in 2006…that night went a long way on my road to healing.
But however joyous a moment as Michael’s confirmation of friendship on Facebook was, it paled in comparison to when I was eternally accepted into the friendship of the Lord Jesus. Unlike some, I can’t provide a day or the hour of when that exactly took place, but at some blessed moment in time I laid down my life before Him, and He quickly accepted the knock at His door.
It sure would have been nice to have received an immediate e-mail confirmation at the time (i.e. “The Lord Jesus Christ confirmed you as a friend in Heaven!”), but unfortunately that final confirmation is going to have wait until the day I stand before the judgment seat of God. I can see myself entering the courtroom, with the prosecution armed with papers stacked a mile high filled with every transgression I ever made. And just when it seemed the case against me would be insurmountable, my defense attorney, the Lord Jesus, will enter the room and put a swift end to the proceedings with: “Father, through his faith in me, all of Frank’s sins are forgiven. He is confirmed!”