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Jesus Revolution

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.  (John 13:3-5)


Dee and I finally got around to watching the ‘Jesus Revolution’ movie last week.  It was quite an emotional two-hour ride, but for different reasons.  


On one hand, it was powerful to see the decisions made by men like Chuck Smith and Greg Laurie.  Their decisions would impact men like Lloyd Pulley who would ultimately have a major impact on my life.  For some reason, he accepted a calling to fly all the way across the country from California and start up a new Calvary Chapel in New Jersey.  It would just so happen to be planted only 20 minutes from my home and was thankfully there when I felt compelled in the early 90s to find a new church.  On successive Sundays, I drove around with a close friend checking out churches in various locations in New Jersey.  By the third Sunday, we discovered Calvary Chapel Old Bridge; by the end of the service my soul was at ease, for I knew I’d found my new church home.  Not only was the worship music fantastic, but Pastor Lloyd presented the scriptures verse by verse in such a way that had me craving to return week after week.  It even had its very own softball team I could play on during the summer! :)


On the other hand, the movie was an emotional ride because of what transpired in the congregation.  There were those who turned up their nose and didn’t want to assimilate with a group of people so different – that walked with bare, dirty feet that might even soil the carpet.  But what a contrast when they showed Pastor Chuck humble himself to wash their feet (like Jesus did with the apostles) and welcome them lovingly in.  It was a difficult watch because there have certainly been times in my life where I’ve been on the one side of the aisle with my nose turned up, serving as gatekeeper in my own mind of whose feet deserved to be washed.  The truth of the matter is none of us deserve to have our feet washed by Jesus – especially me – yet He stands ever ready to cleanse each of us willing to simply open our heart and untie our shoe.

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