And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1-2)
For over a decade, I’ve been proactively going to a dermatologist for an annual full body scan for skin cancer (the trials of being raised with an in-ground pool). For years, the check-ups were uneventful, and I would merrily go on my way until the next year. But a few years ago, things started to change as spots were identified of concern. The first few identified were also uneventful – spots that the doctor removed on the spot, and they ultimately checked out fine.
Unfortunately, last year and this year, spots were identified that required a call back for a deeper excision (both of which thankfully worked out OK). The pattern is difficult as there’s a waiting game on the results, scheduling the follow-up, and then dealing with the deeper excision. The pain the first night can be excruciating, but at one of those low moments this year, Dee reminded me to think of the pain Christ went through for us. And so, I did. Contrary to my experience, where I had a skilled doctor working with marksman precision to keep my pain to an absolute minimum, Christ had a full legion working against Him to make sure His pain was as brutal as humanly possible. And yet He willingly endured it all for all the people he loved (even someone like me). I have to say the pain that night, at least in my mind, started to dull in thanksgiving for Him…for all that He did and continues to do in my life.