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Showing posts from December, 1999

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  (John 3:16) I was at an account this past week and I overheard a couple people talking about Christmas.  It seemed like a pleasant conversation at first, but then it turned disrespectful.  One guy in the group started to rip on Christianity and in a very condescending tone stated, “What’s the big deal about Christmas?  It’s just about gifts anyway?” I wanted to jump into the conversation, and tell him all about the true meaning of Christmas.  I wanted to tell him that Christmas isn’t about the presents.  It’s about a man who humbled himself to reunite the two things that meant most to Him: His heavenly Father and all of mankind.  It’s about a man who was born to die and be the perfect and final sacrifice.  It’s about a man who forever lives to intercede for the people He loves. I decided to keep my words ...

A Story of Suffering & Perseverance

We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  (Romans 5:3-4) I read a story in the paper this morning that touched my heart.  It was a story about suffering, perseverance, character, and hope.  It told of a 36 year-old woman who in the span of the past 5 months has watched her life crumble around her.  In July, she received the news she had waited 5 years to hear: she and her husband would finally be parents.  But soon after hearing the news she became terribly ill.  Her body swelled, and she gained nearly 80 pounds of fluids.  She had surgery to reduce the swelling, but unfortunately, she lost the twins she was carrying inside her.  She returned to the hospital a few days later only to hear even more bad news: the muscles in her arms and legs had died.  The doctors would be forced to amputate or she would die.  Before and after photos show...

Christ: The Humble King

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst.  But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.  (1 Timothy 1:15-16) Dee and I were shopping at Menlo Park Mall on Saturday, and decided to stop into the Mets Clubhouse store to check out the new gear.  To our surprise, a starting pitcher on the NY Mets was but 5 feet away from us.  As a teenager, this would have been my shining moment.  I can think back to my Little League banquets and remember being in awe of the Mets player that came out to speak that season.  I couldn’t wait to finish dinner so I could hang on each word my worshipped Mets player would utter.  But now, those feelings of awe and worship are gone.  Standing in my presence was the proud owner of a couple World Series rings and the ace of my favori...