For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)
I was at an account this past week and I overheard a couple people talking about Christmas. It seemed like a pleasant conversation at first, but then it turned disrespectful. One guy in the group started to rip on Christianity and in a very condescending tone stated, “What’s the big deal about Christmas? It’s just about gifts anyway?”
I wanted to jump into the conversation, and tell him all about the true meaning of Christmas. I wanted to tell him that Christmas isn’t about the presents. It’s about a man who humbled himself to reunite the two things that meant most to Him: His heavenly Father and all of mankind. It’s about a man who was born to die and be the perfect and final sacrifice. It’s about a man who forever lives to intercede for the people He loves.
I decided to keep my words to myself as my anger with his attitude was too great. I offered up a prayer instead, and before too long I began to agree with the very man who had spurred my wrath just minutes before. I realized that he was right; Christmas is all about the gifts – it’s about the greatest gift that mankind has ever given or received.
May God bless you all this Christmas. May we always remember the man for whom we celebrate this day and the reason why He came. I pray that someday the man at this account will too.