Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners – of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life. (1 Timothy 1:15-16)
Dee and I were shopping at Menlo Park Mall on Saturday, and decided to stop into the Mets Clubhouse store to check out the new gear. To our surprise, a starting pitcher on the NY Mets was but 5 feet away from us. As a teenager, this would have been my shining moment. I can think back to my Little League banquets and remember being in awe of the Mets player that came out to speak that season. I couldn’t wait to finish dinner so I could hang on each word my worshipped Mets player would utter. But now, those feelings of awe and worship are gone. Standing in my presence was the proud owner of a couple World Series rings and the ace of my favorite team’s staff, and it meant nothing. All my eyes could focus on were the sunglasses worn proudly on his face (indoors), and the unapproachable airs he seemed to exude.
Throughout the day, I could not shake the smug image from my mind and it made me contrast his image with Christ. I pictured Christ being in that same store. There would have been no sunglasses. There would have been no expensive rings on his hand. There would have been no air of smugness or arrogance. Thankfully, the Lord I serve came into the world not to sign autographs but to save sinners just like me. He came showing mercy. He came displaying unlimited patience. He came to yield eternal life to those who might believe on His name.
I look forward to the day when I will be in the presence of the one true king; a man who could have worn the finest sunglasses and most expensive rings, but wore instead a crown of thorns and endured the pain of the cross to save the people he loved.